"Bread is Broken"
Ferris Jabr, New York Times Jones’s work reveals the complex relationships between community, human, economic, and environmental health through food. Human manipulation of traditional grains to increase profit has, in the end, caused damage of biological diversity and individual nutrition on a massive scale. Article Summary A historical and personal take on the genetic modification of wheat to meet standards for industrially commodified bread. The legacy of industrialized American grain production has resulted in breads that are devoid of origin, story, taste, or nutrients. Simply put, “for the sake of profit and expediency, we forfeited pleasure and health”. Industrialized wheat varieties have attributed to increased rates of gluten intolerance, IBS, and other chronic health conditions. Stephen Jones of The Bread Lab in Mt. Vernon, Washington passionately seeks to revive the pleasure and health of bread by combining studies of advanced genetics and traditional grains.
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June 2019